Article Figures & Data
Supplemental Tables 1-2
Supplemental Table 1. Adjusted Relationship of Race/Ethnicity and Educational Attainment to Health Literacy for US Adults Aged 65 Years and Older in Households, Based on Marginal Maximum Likelihood (MML)Regression; Supplemental Table 2. Sobel Tests of Significant Mediation Effects of Health Literacy
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental data: Tables 1-2 - PDF file, 2 pages, 96 KB
The Article in Brief
The Contribution of Health Literacy to Disparities in Self-Rated Health Status and Preventive Health Behaviors in Older Adults
Ian M. Bennett , and colleagues
Background This study of older adults looks at the relationship between preventive health services, health disparities (gaps in the quality of health and health care between different groups), and health literacy (the ability to use health information to make health decisions).
What This Study Found Among older adults, health literacy contributes to racial/ethnic and education-related disparities in self-rated health status and receipt of influenza vaccination. Education-related disparities are also associated with receipt of mammography and dental care.
- Health disparities in older adults might be reduced by efforts to improve their health literacy and lower the reading level of print materials aimed at them. Further research of these approaches is needed.