PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Becker, Gay TI - Cultural Expressions of Bodily Awareness Among Chronically Ill Filipino Americans AID - 10.1370/afm.39 DP - 2003 Jul 01 TA - The Annals of Family Medicine PG - 113--118 VI - 1 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - Ann Fam Med2003 Jul 01; 1 AB - PURPOSE To describe Filipino Americans’ cultural traditions surrounding bodily awareness, especially how the principle of balance informs their views, and the link to self-management of chronic illness. METHODS This qualitative study used semistructured interviews with 85 Filipino Americans between the ages of 46 and 97 years. Volunteers were recruited from numerous health care sites in 1 geographic location in the United States. Respondents had 1 or more chronic illnesses. Taped and transcribed interviews were coded and evaluated for themes. RESULTS The concept of balance was central to Filipino Americans’ portrayal of bodily awareness of signs and symptoms related to chronic illnesses, as well as to actions they took to manage their chronic illnesses. Efforts were made to control chronic illnesses through a variety of self-care practices. Diet posed a particular challenge because of the symbolic importance of food in Filipino culture and its use in the maintenance of social relationships. CONCLUSIONS The ways in which Filipino Americans combine attention to the body, values of balance and harmony, and emphasis on social well-being result in heightened attention to bodily processes. Filipino Americans’ emphasis on bodily awareness suggests that this particular cultural strength can be used to enhance chronic illness management. Awareness of the cultural traditions of Filipino Americans can facilitate patient education about how to manage chronic illnesses.