RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Evaluation of an Enhanced Primary Care Team Model to Improve Diabetes Care JF The Annals of Family Medicine JO Ann Fam Med FD American Academy of Family Physicians SP 505 OP 511 DO 10.1370/afm.2884 VO 20 IS 6 A1 Herges, Joseph R. A1 Matulis, John C. A1 Kessler, Maya E. A1 Ruehmann, Lisa L. A1 Mara, Kristin C. A1 McCoy, Rozalina G. YR 2022 UL http://www.annfammed.org/content/20/6/505.abstract AB PURPOSE Primary care practices manage most patients with diabetes and face considerable operational, regulatory, and reimbursement pressures to improve the quality of this care. The Enhanced Primary Care Diabetes (EPCD) model was developed to leverage the expertise of care team nurses and pharmacists to improve diabetes care.METHODS Using a retrospective, interrupted-time series design, we evaluated the EPCD model’s impact on D5, a publicly reported composite quality measure of diabetes care: glycemic control, blood pressure control, low-density lipoprotein control, tobacco abstinence, and aspirin use. We examined 32 primary care practices in an integrated health care system that cares for adults with diabetes; practices were categorized as staff clinician practices (having physicians and advanced practice providers) with access to EPCD (5,761 patients); resident physician practices with access to EPCD (1,887 patients); or staff clinician practices without access to EPCD (10,079 patients). The primary outcome was the percentage of patients meeting the D5 measure, compared between a 7-month preimplementation period and a 10-month postimplementation period.RESULTS After EPCD implementation, staff clinician practices had a significant improvement in the percentage of patients meeting the D5 composite quality indicator (change in incident rate ratio from 0.995 to 1.005; P = .01). Trends in D5 attainment did not change significantly among the resident physician practices with access to EPCD (P = .14) and worsened among the staff clinician practices without access to EPCD (change in incident rate ratio from 1.001 to 0.994; P = .05).CONCLUSIONS Implementation of the EPCD team model was associated with an improvement in diabetes care quality in the staff clinician group having access to this model. Further study of proactive, multidisciplinary chronic disease management led by care team nurses and integrating clinical pharmacists is warranted.