PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Sandy, Lewis G. AU - Haltson, Heidi AU - Metfessel, Brent A. AU - Reese, Conway TI - Measuring Physician Quality and Efficiency in an Era of Practice Transformation: PCMH as a Case Study AID - 10.1370/afm.1784 DP - 2015 May 01 TA - The Annals of Family Medicine PG - 264--268 VI - 13 IP - 3 4099 - 4100 - SO - Ann Fam Med2015 May 01; 13 AB - Practicing physicians face myriad challenges as health care undergoes considerable transformation, including advancing efforts to measure and report on physician quality and efficiency, as well as the growth of new care models such as Accountable Care Organizations and patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs). How do these transformational forces relate to one another? How should practicing physicians focus and prioritize their improvement efforts? This Special Report examines how physicians’ performance on quality and efficiency measures may interact with delivery reforms, focusing on the PCMH. We note that although the PCMH is a promising model, published evidence is mixed. Using data and experience from a large commercial insurer’s performance transparency and PCMH programs, we further report that longitudinal analysis of UnitedHealthcare’s PCMH program experience has shown favorable changes; however, cross-sectional analysis indicates that National Committee for Quality Assurance’s PCMH designation is positively associated with achieving program Quality benchmarks, but negatively associated with program Efficiency benchmarks. This example illustrates some key issues for physicians in the current environment, and we provide suggestions for physicians and other stakeholders on understanding and acting on information from physician performance measurement programs.