Activity Type | No. (%) |
Enrolled or completed LCS program during study period | 2,791 (82) |
Did not schedule or declined PCC-ordered LSC | 258 (8) |
Had diagnostic CTs (from LCS & not from LCS) | 79 (2) |
Subsequent LCS scans outside PSJH | 61 (2) |
Initial LCS resulted in diagnosis of cancer, no other LCS | 51 (2) |
Had repeat scans within PSJH but after end of study period | 50 (1) |
Changed insurance, other insurance issue, changed PCC, or had no PCC | 46 (1) |
PCC declined or did not send subsequent orders | 43 (1) |
Moved | 23 (1) |
CT = computed tomography; LCS = lung cancer screening; PCC = primary care clinician; PSJH = Providence St Joseph Health.