Table 2.

PF-Reported Sociodemographic and Practice Facilitation Characteristics (n = 14)

Sociodemographic characteristicsa
Age, y (median, range)51 (33-64)
   Bachelor’s degree4/14
   Master’s degree9/14
H3 practice facilitation characteristics
With whom do you interact at practices that deliver HealtheRx?b
   Office or practice manager10/14
   Medical assistant9/14
With whom do you work most closely on the HealtheRx?b
   Office or practice manager10/14
   Nurse or medical assistant6/14
  • H3 = Healthy Hearts in the Heartland; PF = practice facilitator.

  • a Responses may not sum to total due to participant refusal or missing data.

  • b Respondents could check all that apply, so responses are not mutually exclusive.