Table 3.

Bivariate Associations Between Participant Characteristics and Level of Trust (N = 2,257)

CharacteristicLevel of TrustP Value
A LotSomeNot at All or Not Too Much
Sex, No. (%)<.001
   Male449 (48)361 (38)133 (14)
   Female522 (40)619 (47)173 (13)
Age, mean (SD), y54.5 (17.95)46.4 (16.44)42.3 (14.10)<.001
Education, mean (SD)10.6 (1.92)10.2 (2.06)10.1 (2.07)<.001
Household income, No. (%)<.001
   <150% FPL312 (37)374 (45)150 (18)
   150%-399% FPL321 (42)348 (45)100 (13)
   ≥400% FPL338 (52)258 (39)56 (9)
Ethnicity/race, No. (%)<.001
   Non-Hispanic Black259 (37)332 (47)113 (16)
   Hispanic236 (36)311 (47)115 (17)
   Non-Hispanic White476 (53)337 (38)78 (9)
Primary care provider, No. (%)<.001
   No54 (16)171 (49)123 (35)
   Yes917 (48)807 (42)183 (10)
Self-rated health status, mean (SD)2.49 (0.96)2.68 (0.91)3.02 (1.02)<.001
Perceived discrimination due to income and type of or lack of insurance, mean (SD)a–0.27 (0.80)0.07 (1.01)0.61 (1.19)<.001
Perceived racial and language-related discrimination, mean (SD)a–0.07 (0.80)–0.01 (0.98)0.27 (1.45)<.001
  • FPL = federal poverty level.

  • Notes: Sample size reflects 71 missing cases. Refer to Table 1 for measurement scales.

  • a A higher score indicates a higher level of perceived discrimination.