Table 1

Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients Referred to and Screened in the PIC Program

Referred patients (N = 5,931)
Age, mean (SD), y44.6 (16.0)
Sex, No. (%)
    Male1,616 (27.2)
    Female4,315 (72.8)
Screened patients (N = 3,645)b
Age, mean (SD), y44.0 (15.8)
Sex, No. (%)
    Male990 (27.2)
    Female2,655 (72.8)
Race, No. (%)
    Asian or Pacific Islander79 (2.3)
    Black or African American2,058 (59.3)
    White981 (28.3)
    Native American or Alaskan Native4 (0.1)
    Other/more than 1 race247 (7.1)
    Prefer not to disclose99 (2.9)
Ethnicity, No. (%)
    Hispanic or Latinx170 (5.0)
    Non-Hispanic or non-Latinx3,177 (92.5)
    Prefer not to disclose86 (2.5)
Mental health measures, No. (%)
    PHQ-9 total score ≥52,992 (84.9)
    Score ≥1 on item 9 (suicidal ideation item)632 (17.9)
    GAD-7 total score ≥52,787 (83.1)
    Current psychotic symptoms reported154 (4.5)
    Active mania reported58 (1.7)
Drug use ≥monthly in past 3 months, No. (%)
    Marijuana523 (15.4)
    Other drug(s)57 (1.7)
Alcohol intake
    Drink ≥1 alcoholic beverage per week, No. (%)1,318 (38.8)
    Weekly drinks among above group, mean (SD)5.7 (7.9)
    Have experienced ≥1 traumatic event, No. (%)802 (23.6)
    Symptoms suggestive of PTSD, No. (%)661 (82.4)
    PCL-5 score, mean (SD)34.1 (18.1)
  • GAD-7= Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale; PCL-5 = PTSD Checklist for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed; PHQ-9 = Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item scale; PIC = Penn Integrated Care; PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder.

  • aNumber (percent) values indicate patients who endorsed a statement or responded affirmatively when screened or queried about the characteristic.

  • bReferred patients who could not be contacted or declined assessment were not screened. Also, among the total 3,645 patients who were screened, assessment instruments were administered as per the Behavioral Health Laboratory algorithm; therefore, not all instruments were administered to all patients.