Table 4

Results of Secondary Outcomes (Dichotomous Variables)

Secondary OutcomeT1aT2bOR (95% CI)P Value c
Psychological distress (K6)
    Control64 (45.7)42 (35.9)
    Intervention64 (44.4)44 (34.6)1.08 (0.57-2.03).824
High-risk alcohol consumption
    Control12 (8.6)10 (8.5)
    Intervention7 (4.9)7/127 (5.5)1.24 (0.24-6.54).798
Smoking habit
    Control21 (15.0)22 (18.6)
    Intervention32 (22.2)29 (22.8)2.40 (0.46-12.37).297
Physical activity
    Control72 (51.4)55 (46.6)
    Intervention63 (43.8)76 (59.8)2.60 (1.37-4.93).003
Healthy eating
    Control75 (53.6)70 (59.3)
    Intervention70 (48.6)92 (72.4)2.42 (1.30-4.50).006
  • K6 = Kessler 6-item Psychological Distress Scale Questionnaire; OR = odds ratio; T1 = baseline; T2 = study end point at 4 months.

  • aTotal size per group at T1: control n = 140, intervention n = 144.

  • bTotal size per group at T2: control n = 118 (except n = 117 for psychological distress), intervention n = 127.

  • bMultilevel modeling (generalized linear mixed model) comparing results at T2, adjusted for values at T1 and the practice.