Table 1.

Overview of ABFM and ACGME

American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM)2Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education Family Medicine Review Committee (ACGME FM-RC)3,4
Primary purposeCertification of an individual physicianAccreditation of a residency program
OutcomesProgram directors attest residents have met all requirements for board eligibility and are ready for autonomous practiceProgram directors complete a web-based accreditation data system report, which is reviewed by ACGME staff and FM-RC to ascertain compliance with program requirements
ACGME accreditation field representatives historically* visit for initial and ongoing site reviews
*At time of writing these are suspended
StructureOne of 24 Boards that comprise the American Board of Medical Specialties
Governed by a Board of Directors comprised of 16* physician members including the immediate past chair plus 2 public members
*11 family physicians and 5 representatives selected from the American Boards of Internal Medicine, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry/Neurology, and Surgery
One of 28 specialty RCs that provide program requirements and resources for residency training
Comprised of 14 members including 1 resident and 1 public member
Residency training requirementsCandidates for certification must complete 36 months of graduate medical education (GME) in an ACGME-accredited FM residency program
Residents must spend their PGY-2 and PGY-3 training in the same residency program’s teaching practice
Each year of residency must include a minimum of 40 weeks of continuity clinic experience
ACGME Common Program Requirements, FM Program Requirements* and FAQs currently in effect describing expectations for program administration, aims, curriculum, and resources are found at
Residents must complete the last 24 months of training at the same family medicine program
Residents should provide care within the family medicine practice for a minimum of 40 weeks during each year of training
*At time of writing proposed revisions to FM program requirements are in progress.
Time away from residency & continuityA resident may take up to 20 weeks of leave over 3 years of residency without requiring an extension of training
If a resident’s leave exceeds either 12 weeks away from the program in a given year, and/or a maximum of 20 weeks total, then extension of the resident’s training may cover the duration of time that the individual was away from the program in excess of 20 weeks
Programs must allow an appropriate length of absence for residents unable to perform patient care responsibilities and may need to extend length of training depending on length of absence and specialty board eligibility requirements
Residents should provide care for patients in the FMP site for a minimum of 40 weeks during each year of the program
Other assignments should not interrupt continuity for more than 8 weeks at any given time or in any 1 year
The periods between interruptions in continuity should be at least 4 weeks in length
Family leaveAllows up to 12 weeks away from the program in a given academic year without requiring an extension of training, as long as the program director and CCC agree that the resident is ready for advancement, and ultimately for autonomous practice
A resident must have at least 40 weeks of formal training in the year in which they take family leave
Each program must allow an appropriate length of absence for residents unable to perform their patient care responsibilities, including for parental leave
SurveysAdministers the National Family Medicine Graduate Survey to all board-certified family physicians 3 years out of residency regarding features of their clinical practice, practice environment and satisfaction with training
Data are summarized at the residency-specific level and program-specific reports include comparators at the national level
Resident/fellow and faculty surveys provide early warning of potential non-compliance with ACGME accreditation requirements
All accredited programs are required to participate in these surveys each academic year between the months of January and April
Data are summarized at the program level and reports include comparators at the national level
Milestonesn/aThe ACGME Milestones 2.0 provide a framework for the assessment of the development of the resident in key dimensions of the elements of physician competency in a specialty or subspecialty
Osteopathic considerationsGraduates of an American Osteopathic Assocation (AOA)-approved medical school may qualify for certification by completing 36 months of ACGMEaccredited family medicine residency training OR by applying through the AOA Training Pathway (entry limited through December 31, 2022)Residencies may apply for Osteopathic Recognition (OR)
ACGME OR program requirements and FAQs in effect are available at
Recognition field representatives historically* visit for initial and ongoing accreditation status
*At time of writing these are suspended
Contact infoMail:
  • 1648 McGrathiana Parkway Ste 550

  • Lexington, KY 40511

  • 877-223-7437

  • 859-335-7516

  • help{at}

Live Chat:
Executive Director, RC for Family Medicine
  • Eileen Anthony, MJ

  • eanthony{at}

  • 312-755-5047

Associate Executive Director, RC for Family Medicine
  • Sandra Benitez, MHA

  • sbenitez{at}

  • 312-755-5035

Accreditation Administrator, RC for Family Medicine
  • Betty Cervantes

  • brc{at}

  • 312-755-7470

Data Systems Technical Support
  • ads{at}

  • 312-755-7474