Table 1.

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion criteriaa
Aged 5 years or older with clinically suspected CAP and either of the following features:
  Feverb characterized by 1 of following:
    >72 hours of fever and cough without any improvement
    Fever >72 hours with purulent sputum
    Fever with ≥1 of following: pleuritic pain; focal or asymmetric auscultation of crackles or hypoventilation; dyspnea (subjective); signs of breathing distress such as tachypnea, retractions, or nasal flaring (objective); SpO2 <95%; hemoptysis
  Isolated fever without focus lasting >4 days
  Reappearance or worsening of fever after clinical improvement of a respiratory condition
No fever, but presence of 1 of following:
  Cough and purulent sputum lasting >4 days
  Cough with ≥1 of following: pleuritic pain; focal or asymmetric auscultation of crackles or hypoventilation; dyspnea (subjective); signs of breathing distress such tachypnea, retractions, or nasal flaring (objective); SpO2 <95%
  Cough lasting >4 weeks, even as an isolated symptom
  Dyspnea in patients aged >75 years
Exclusion criteriac
Hospital admission within past 30 days (ie, possible nosocomial pneumonia instead of CAP)
Pneumonia already diagnosed during current illness by an imaging test
Receipt of antibiotics for current illness
Previous diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Previous diagnosis of asthma, or suspicion of asthma attack or bronchial spasm in current illness
Children with previous diagnosis of recurrent wheezing related to viral infections in whom current illness suggests same diagnosis
Lung or pleural cancer
Previous pleurodesis
Previous thoracic surgery
Other chronic lung diseases (eg, pulmonary fibrosis)
Terminal disease (life expectancy <6 months)
Hemodynamic instability
Declined lung ultrasound and/or chest radiograph
Inability to go to the hospital for chest radiograph the same day
Declined to sign informed consent
  • CAP = community-acquired pneumonia; SpO2 = peripheral oxygen saturation.

  • a Inclusion criteria were selected to avoid inclusion solely for clinical suspicion of pneumonia, a term that has greater potential subjectivity in its interpretation.

  • b Temperature ≥38°C not explained by extrathoracic symptoms.

  • c Exclusion criteria were primarily selected to avoid clinical conditions that might confound lung ultrasound findings.