Table 1.

Weighted Number and Percentage of PCPs by Response to Key Survey Questions, by CPC+ Track in 2019

ResponseQuestion 1Question 2
Track 1, %
  Always or most of the time      78.0      65.2
  Sometimes      17.0      33.3
  Seldom or never        4.9        1.5
  PCPs, No.2,2442,273
Track 2, %
  Always or most of the time      78.4      67.5
  Sometimes      16.8      31.5
  Seldom or never        4.9        1.1
  PCPs, No.2,4182,448
  • CPC+ = Comprehensive Primary Care Plus; PCP = primary care physician; PY 3 = program year 3.

  • Notes: Source is authors’ analysis of CPC+ PY 3 Physician Survey data. Results weighted using track-specific survey weights including nonresponse weights. The number of respondents differed for the 2 survey questions.

  • Question 1: When you refer a patient to a specialist, how often do you send the specialist notification of the patient’s history and reason for the consultation?

  • Question 2: How often do you receive useful information about your referred patients from specialists?