Table 3.

Outcomes by Facilitator Effectiveness and Practice Baseline Change Capacity

OutcomeMore Effective FacilitatorLess Effective FacilitatorAll
High CapacityLow CapacityHigh CapacityLow Capacity
Change in percentage of patients meeting ABS measurea
    Aspirin, mean (SD) %10 (22)6 (16)0 (10)1 (10)4 (16)
    Blood pressure, mean (SD) %4 (14)2 (14)2 (9)2 (13)2 (13)
    Smoking, mean (SD) %11 (17)9 (22)1 (14)0 (11)6 (18)
Change in CPCQ score, mean (SD) pointsb−2.7 (9.8)17.8 (13.9)−3.1 (9.5)11.7 (10.6)5.9 (14.5)
  • ABS = aspirin use for high-risk patients, blood pressure control, smoking cessation counseling; CMS = Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; CPCQ = Change Process Capability Questionnaire.

  • Notes: See Table 1 footnotes for definitions of more and less effective facilitators. See Figure 1 footnotes for definitions of practice baseline change capacity.

  • a Absolute difference between percentage of patients meeting metric at follow-up and at baseline. Theoretical range: −100% (practice went from all eligible patients meeting CMS performance measure at baseline to none at follow-up) to 100% (practice went from no eligible patients meeting CMS performance measure at baseline to all at follow-up).

  • b Difference between score at follow-up and at baseline. Theoretical range following above logic: −56 (practice went from highest to lowest change capacity) to 56 (practice went from lowest to highest change capacity).