Table 1.

Characteristics of the Study Population of People Newly Identified With Dementia in Ontario, by Group

CharacteristicIPC Group
(n = 46,830)
Non-IPC Group
(n = 48,493)
Age, mean (SD), y81.2 (7.0)81.4 (7.1)
Female, No. (%)27,809 (59.4)28,481 (58.7)
Rural, No. (%)7,822 (16.7)5,093 (10.5)
Recent immigrant, No. (%)633 (1.4)801 (1.7)
Income quintile, No. (%)
   1 (low)10,228 (21.8)9,006 (18.6)
   29,874 (21.1)9,962 (20.5)
   39,085 (19.4)9,222 (19.0)
   48,892 (19.0)9,785 (20.2)
   5 (high)8,751 (18.7)10,518 (21.7)
Aggregated Diagnosis Group,a No. (%)
   0-5 (low comorbidity)14,788 (31.6)14,403 (29.7)
   6-1021,339 (45.6)22,293 (46.0)
   ≥11 (high comorbidity)10,703 (22.9)11,797 (24.3)
Physician visits in year before diagnosis, mean (SD)20.3 (14.6)22.2 (15.8)
Resource Utilization Band,b No. (%)
   0 (low utilization)547 (1.2)479 (1.0)
   1337 (0.7)282 (0.6)
   21,969 (4.2)1,916 (4.0)
   320,662 (44.1)21,259 (43.8)
   412,338 (26.4)12,915 (26.6)
   5 (high utilization)10,977 (23.4)11,642 (24.0)
  • ACG = Adjusted Clinical Group; ADG = Aggregated Diagnosis Group; IPC = interprofessional primary care; RUB = Resource Utilization Band.

  • a Derived from the Johns Hopkins ACGs, ADGs measure the number of different types of comorbid conditions.

  • b Derived from the Johns Hopkins ACGs, RUBs are quintiles of expected resource use.