Table 1.

OHECs’ Ratings of the 100 Million Mouths Campaign 2 Half-Day Workshops

Workshop Component/AttributeScore, Mean (Range)
Helpfulness of training session presentationsa
Introduction to CIPCOH4.50 (4-5)
Ice breaker3.83 (3-5)
Making the case that oral health matters5.00 (5-5)
Working with state resources4.50 (4-5)
Resources for oral health teaching4.83 (4-5)
Using EPAs and core competencies to guide teaching efforts4.50 (3-5)
How to assess an oral health curriculum4.50 (3-5)
Recap/highlights from session 14.50 (4-5)
Identifying schools and programs in your state4.50 (4-5)
Case studies in changing oral health curriculum4.17 (3-5)
Role playing—making the case, changing the curriculum4.17 (3-5)
Implementing evaluation4.33 (3-5)
Reporting efforts to date/recommendations using template4.17 (3-5)
Agreement level regarding workshop content and conductb
The two 4-hour workshops were the right amount of learning time.4.00 (2-5)
The workshops could have been shorter in time without a loss of attention to the individual sessions’ goals.3.50 (2-5)
Some of the materials could have been presented asynchronously without a loss to group learning.3.33 (2-5)
The workshops could have been longer with more detailed attention to each segment.1.50 (1-2)
The workshop format (eg, a combination of didactics/interactive discussions, via Zoom) was easy to follow.4.50 (4-5)
The workshop content was presented in an engaging manner.4.33 (3-5)
During the training sessions, there was sufficient opportunity for addressing my needs as an OHEC for my state.4.67 (4-5)
Preworkshop websites/documents that were sent before the first training were valuable resources for me.4.50 (4-5)
Resources related to the workshop content (eg, database of state-specific information, slide decks of presentations, contact information for targeting new recruits) were useful to me/helped me to formulate my next steps.4.83 (4-5)
Confidence level to begin framing own toolkitc
Knowing where to find resources within my state for identifying and recruiting future OHECs4.17 (3-5)
Knowing where to find resources for training future OHECs4.17 (3-5)
Knowing where to find EPAs and other competencies/standards for training OHECs who will be working with trainees from different disciplines and specialties4.00 (3-5)
Identifying some case studies and/or role-playing activities to help future OHECs with potential “pushback” from program directors for incorporating oral health into primary care training programs3.67 (3-4)
Knowing how to develop some internal evaluation assessments to monitor my own progress in rolling out an OHEC program in my state3.33 (3-4)
Knowing how to develop some external evaluation assessments to monitor the progress of learners3.33 (3-4)
Understanding the OHCET to assess health professions schools/programs curriculum and future needs4.33 (4-5)
  • CIPCOH = Center for Integration of Primary Care and Oral Health; EPAs = entrustable professional activities; OHCET = Oral Health Curriculum Evaluation Tool; OHEC = oral health education champion.

  • a Extent to which the workshop presentations helped in planning next steps as a statewide oral health champion (1 = not at all helpful to 5 = very helpful).

  • b Level of agreement regarding workshop attributes (1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree).

  • c Confidence level to begin framing their own toolkit for identifying and training the next level of OHECs in their state (1 = very low to 5 = very high).