Table 4.

Factors Associated With Integration of Behavioral Health Content in the Curriculum

Outcome and FactorOdds Ratio (95% CI)P Value
Training to identify 3 or more BH conditionsa
Level of BH Integration in program’s primary training siteb
    Close to full collaboration (referent)1.00
    Basic collaboration0.66 (0.22-2.01).47
    No to minimal collaboration0.22 (0.05-0.92).04c
Age of program director
    30-39 years (referent)1.00
    40-49 years1.14 (0.26-5.03).86
    50-59 years7.57 (1.33-42.98).02c
    ≥60 years2.88 (0.42-19.74).28
Training to identify depressive disorder
Level of BH Integration in program’s primary training siteb
    Close to full collaboration (referent)1.00
    Basic collaboration0.39 (0.13-1.21).10
    No to minimal collaboration0.09 (0.02-0.47).004
Clinical setting
    University-based setting (referent)1.00
    Multiple clinical settings8.03 (1.03-62.83).047c
Training to identify anxiety disorder
Level of BH Integration in program’s primary training siteb
    Close to full collaboration (referent)1.00
    Basic collaboration0.74 (0.24-2.23).59
    No to minimal collaboration0.17 (0.04-0.73).02c
Age of program director
    30-39 years (referent)1.00
    40-49 years2.27 (0.47-11.03).31
    50-59 years6.70 (1.10-40.63).04c
    ≥60 years4.50 (0.49-41.66).18
  • BH = behavioral health.

  • a Out of 5 conditions (anxiety disorder, depressive disorder, eating disorder, opioid use disorder, intimate partner violence).

  • b See Table 1 for definitions. For this analysis, we combined the 2 basic categories and combined the 2 close categories.

  • c After applying Bonferroni correction, the P value was no longer statistically significant.