Table 2.

Baseline Characteristics of the Study Population

CharacteristicBy Number of Chronic ConditionsTotal Population
(N = 25,854)
0 to 2
(n = 7,992)
3 or 4
(n = 8,349)
5 to 18
(n = 9,513)
Male, %45.542.838.342.0
Age group,a %
  65-69 years45.533.722.533.2
  70-74 years24.224.721.923.5
  75-79 years13.617.020.917.4
  80-84 years  8.112.317.312.8
  ≥85 years  8.612.217.413.0
Prescriptions over 6 years,b %
  0-4 medications39.813.6  4.118.2
  5-9 medications37.535.017.829.4
  10-14 medications15.829.128.324.7
  ≥15 medications  6.922.349.827.7
Chronic conditions, %
  Oncologic disease16.433.147.433.2
  Coronary heart disease  7.117.636.221.2
  Psychiatric disease11.414.418.114.8
  Diabetes mellitus  7.622.136.623.0
Usual provider of care, No. (%)c
  Low tertile2,699 (33.8)2,871 (34.4)3,253 (34.2)8,823 (34.1)
  Intermediate tertile2,598 (32.5)2,732 (32.7)3,289 (34.6)8,619 (33.3)
  High tertile2,695 (33.7)2,746 (32.9)2,971 (31.2)8,412 (32.5)
Bice-Boxerman Index, No. (%)d
  Low tertile2,766 (34.6)2,783 (33.3)3,069 (32.3)8,618 (33.3)
  Intermediate tertile2,479 (31.0)2,763 (33.1)3,376 (35.5)8,618 (33.3)
  High tertile2,747 (34.4)2,803 (33.6)3,068 (32.3)8,618 (33.3)
Herfindahl Index, No. (%)e
  Low tertile2,458 (30.8)2,804 (33.6)3,356 (35.3)8,618 (33.3)
  Intermediate tertile2,694 (33.7)2,733 (32.7)3,188 (33.5)8,615 (33.3)
  High tertile2,840 (35.5)2,812 (33.7)2,969 (31.2)8,621 (33.3)
Enlistment,f mean (SD), y      16.8 (8.7)      17.0 (8.8)      16.8 (8.9)      16.9 (8.8)
Contacts in 6 years, mean (SD)
  Total      28.6 (23.0)      43.5 (31.6)      63.8 (49.7)      46.4 (40.1)
  With family physician      16.8 (14.6)      24.5 (19.7)      35.4 (29.7)      26.1 (24.0)
PIMs, mean (SD)        1.0 (1.3)        1.8 (1.7)        2.9 (2.3)        2.0 (2.0)
PPOs, mean (SD)        1.1 (1.3)        2.0 (1.8)        3.2 (2.4)        2.2 (2.1)
  • PIM = potentially inappropriate medication; PPO = potential prescribing omission; START = Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment; STOPP = Screening Tool of Older Person’s Prescriptions.

  • a On January 1, 2013.

  • b Based on unique Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical codes from STOPP and START criteria.

  • c Low, 0.12-0.59; intermediate, 0.60-0.79; high, 0.80-1.00.

  • d Low, 0.00-0.41; intermediate, 0.42-0.64; high, 0.65-1.00.

  • e Low, 0.09-0.46; intermediate, 0.47-0.66; high, 0.67-1.00.

  • f On December 31, 2018. Follow-up usually spanned 6 years (2013-2018) unless the patient was partially enlisted elsewhere during this period.