Table 2.

Data Collection From Practices, by QI Project and Overall

PracticesQI Projects Focused on Unhealthy Alcohol UseQI Projects Focused on Heart HealthTotal
INSPIRE ProjectMI-SPARC ProjectHH4M ProjectHHOI Project
Contacted, No.24353911109
Responded, No. (%)a  9 (37.4)  7 (20.0)  8 (20.5)  7 (63.6)  31 (28.4)
Completed interview, No.  3  3  3  7  16
Completed questionnaire, No.  2  1  0  0    3
Sent e-mail response, No.  4  3  5  0  12
  • HH4M = Healthy Hearts for Michigan; HHOI = Heart Healthy Ohio Initiative; INSPIRE = Intervention in Small Primary Care Practices to Implement Reduction in Unhealthy Alcohol Use; MI-SPARC = Michigan Sustained Patient-Centered Alcohol-Related Care; QI = quality improvement.

  • a The percentage is the participation rate for this follow-up study.