Table 2.

CRISP Studies on the Reporting of Primary Care Research That Nominated Potential Reporting Items

Study and Year(s)DescriptionData SourceMethods
Phillips et al,14 2000-2020Literature scoping review25 Publications extracted from 2,847 identifiedSystematic search of 7 databases and search engines
Phillips et al,15 2018-2019Survey of PC research community255 Respondents, 24 nationsOnline survey of PC researchers and users across nation, profession, research role; snowball sample
Phillips et al,16 2019Survey of PC practitioners252 Respondents, 29 nations; PC clinicians who provide direct patient care during more than 50% of the work weekOnline survey of PC practitioners across nation, profession, research experience; snowball sample
Phillips et al,14 2020Scan of reporting guidelines14 PC-relevant guidelines listed in EQUATOR NetworkScan of reporting guideline content compared with findings of PC researcher survey
Unpublished study,a 2020Survey of PC journal editors12 Editors of major journals that publish PC researchE-mail survey and telephone interviews
Sturgiss et al17 and Phillips et al,18 2021CRISP Delphi study89 PC participants across world regions, professions, research roles, and experienceOnline, closed, confidential Delphi study, 2 rounds
  • CRISP = Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care; EQUATOR = Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research; PC = primary care.

  • a Journal editor recommendations for better reporting of PC research (unpublished data, Phillips et al, 2020).