Table 1.

Participants in the Research Summit Process

GroupInterviewsFocus groupsSurvey ResponsesSummit participants
Practicing (academic and non-academic) family physician  911135  67
Department chair  3  4  23  28
Researcher (PhD and/or master’s level and/or physician)1611  21  62
Research director (or vice chair for research or equivalent)  7*  7  15  52
Residency director  3
Clerkship director  3
Resident/fellow  1  15    6
All others  47(n/a)
Other*  26(n/a)
Research staff    4    3
Leader of a PBRN    3  14
Patient  2    3    3
Physician or leader of another medical specialty    3    5
Health system leader    2  12
Leader of CTSA    2    5
Medical school dean    2    1
Executive administrator  3    1    3
Student  3    1    2
  • CTSA = clinical translational science awards; PBRN = practice-based research network.

  • a Totals do not add to 100% as participants could choose multiple roles.