Table 1.

Characteristics of All of Us Participants by Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

No. (%)
Heterosexual AdultsSexual Minority AdultsP ValueaCisgender AdultsGender Minority AdultsP Valuea
Sample size, No.87,4319,69997,0321,277
Health care discrimination score, median (IQR)1.29 (0.86)1.57 (1.00)<0.0011.43 (0.86)2.00 (1.14)<0.001
Age, median (IQR)61 (23)44 (29)<0.00160 (24)33 (19)<0.001
Female sex57,131 (65.3)6,005 (61.9)<0.00163,039 (65.0)915 (71.6)<0.001
Race and ethnicity
  Asian2,317 (2.7)256 (2.7)<0.0012,589 (2.7)44 (3.5)
  Black6,188 (7.2)510 (5.3)6,808 (7.1)47 (3.7)
  Hispanic6,808 (7.9)888 (9.2)7,853 (8.2)109 (8.6)
  Otherb2,339 (2.7)435 (4.5)2,775 (2.9)71 (5.6)
  White68,505 (79.5)7,527 (78.3)75,613 (79.1)992 (78.5)
Annual household income, $
  <25,0009,459 (12.0)1,826 (19.9)<0.00111,282 (12.8)321 (27.2)<0.001
  25,000-50,00012,915 (16.3)1,873 (20.4)14,680 (16.7)282 (23.9)
  50,00-100,00024,146 (30.5)2,594 (28.3)26,682 (30.3)301 (25.5)
  100,000-150,00015,154 (19.2)1,378 (15.0)16,475 (18.7)155 (13.1)
  ≥150,00017,407 (22.0)1,489 (16.3)18,827 (21.4)123 (10.4)
Educational attainment
  High school or lower8,839 (10.2)879 (9.1)<0.0019,873 (10.3)155 (12.2)<0.001
  Some college20,110 (23.2)2,374 (24.6)22,422 (23.3)352 (27.8)
  Bachelor’s degree or higher57,721 (66.6)6,384 (66.2)63,882 (66.4)758 (59.9)
Uninsured1,930 (2.2)256 (2.7)0.0072,213 (2.3)46 (3.7)0.002
Relationship status
  Married or living with partner56,621 (65.3)4,692 (48.8)<0.00161,178 (63.6)550 (43.6)<0.001
  Never married12,077 (13.9)3,600 (37.5)15,556 (16.2)552 (43.8)
  Widowed, separated, or divorced18,026 (20.8)1,313 (13.7)19,453 (20.2)159 (12.6)
Non-US–born8,326 (9.6)706 (7.3)<0.0019,222 (9.6)74 (5.8)<0.001
  • IQR = interquartile range.

  • a Characteristics were compared across sexual orientation and gender identity groups using χ2 tests and Mann-Whitney U tests.

  • b Individuals who identified as “Middle Eastern or North African,” “Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander,” “More Than One Population,” or “None of These.”