Table 2.

Summarized Characteristics of Included Real-World Studies

Study (Country)Study PeriodFunding Type (Patient Hospitalization Status)Total No. of PatientsNo. of Patients in Intervention Group (Mean Age), % Male% of Intervention Group VaccinatedNo. of Patients in Comparator Group (Mean Age), % Male% of Comparator Group VaccinatedOutcome (Adjusted Covariates)
Aggarwal et al,33 2023 (USA)Mar 26-Aug 25, 2022NIH (outpatients)21,4939,881 (not reported), 41.479.611,612 (not reported), 41.778.3Hospitalization and all-cause mortality at 28 days (age, sex, race, ethnicity, insurance status, obesity status, immunocompromised status, number of additional comorbid conditions, number of vaccinations, Omicron subvariant)
Al-Obaidi et al,34 2023 (USA)Jun 01-Sep 24, 2022Not funded (outpatients)11,5085,754 (not reported), 39.9Not clear5,754 (not reported), 41.6Not clearHospitalization and all-cause mortality at 30 days (vaccination status, body mass index, age, diabetes)
Bajema et al,35 2023 (USA)Jan-Feb 2022US Dept of Veterans Affairs Central Office (outpatients)104,9921,639 (not reported), 8971103,353 (not reported), 89.369.8Hospitalization or death at 30 days (not clear)
Bhatia et al,36a 2023 (USA)Dec 23, 2021-Dec 31, 2022Not clear (outpatients)410,642104,510 (not reported), 38.8Not reported306,132 (not reported), 38.1Not reportedHospitalization at 28 days (sex, age, race, ethnicity, Charlson Comorbidity Index, community-wellbeing index, data partners, month of COVID-19 index date, main and interaction of vaccination)
Dryden-Peterson et al,37 2023 (USA)Jan 1-Jul 17, 2022NIH (outpatients)44,5511,2541 (not reported), 429632,010 (not reported), 3991Hospitalization at 14 days; death at 28 days; hospitalization or death (age, comorbidity score, vaccination status, recency of last vaccine dose, self-reported race and ethnicity, study period, neighborhood disadvantage of participant cohort census block groups)
Ganatra et al,38 2023 (USA)Dec 1, 2021-Apr 18, 2022Not funded (outpatients)2,2601,130 (57.5 ± 16.3), 37Not reported1,130 (57.7 ± 16.3), 35.9Not reportedHospitalization or death at 30 days (not clear)
Lewnard et al,39 2023 (USA)Apr 8-Oct 7, 2022CDC and NIH (outpatients)133,4267,274 (not reported), 42.394.6126,152 (not reported), 44.786.7Hospitalization or death at 30 days (age, sex, Charlson Comorbidity Index, history of vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 infection, race, body mass index, cigarette smoking, neighborhood socioeconomic status)
Najjar-Debbiny et al,40 2023 (Israel)Jan-Feb 2022Not reported (outpatients)180,3514,737 (68.5 ± 12.5), 42.1Not reported175,614 (53.9 ± 16.8), 44.7Not reportedHospitalization or death at 28 days (age, population sector, socioeconomic status, body mass index, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, chronic liver, lung, or kidney disease, neurologic disease, malignancy in the prior year, immunosuppression, COVID-19 vaccination status)
Paraskevis et al,41a 2023 (Greece)Feb-Jul 2022Not funded (outpatients)26,19013,462 (not reported), 48.190.512,728 (not reported), 46.685Hospitalization at 10 days, death at 35 days (age, previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, vaccination status, vaccination recency)
Park et al,42 2022 (South Korea)Feb 6-Apr 2, 2022Not funded (not clear)819623 (not reported), 48.6Not reported196 (not reported), 41.8Not reportedHospitalization or death at 52 days, (sex, age, vaccination history, treatment history)
Schwartz et al,43 2023 (Canada)Apr 4-Aug 31, 2022Public Health Ontario (outpatients)177,5458,876 (74.3 ± 16.3), 40.794.7168,669 (52.4 ±21.0), 36.693.8Hospitalization or death at 30 days (not clear)
Shah et al,44 2023 (USA)Apr-Sep 2022Not reported (outpatients)699,848198,927 (not reported), 38.284.6500,921 (not reported), 36.871.7Hospitalization at 30 days (age, sex, race, ethnicity, social vulnerability index, number of underlying health conditions, US Census Bureau region of residence, previous infection, COVID-19 vaccination status excluding stratum of interest)
Wai et al,45 2023 (Hong Kong SAR, China)Feb 22-Mar 31, 2022The Tung Foundation and AIR@InnoHK platform Hong Kong (outpatients)27,8724,442 (not reported), 45.4Not reported23,430 (not reported), 47.3Not reportedHospitalization or death at 28 days (age, sex, admitted from elderly homes, admitted through emergency department, constituent comorbidities of Charlson Comorbidity Index including acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, dementia, COPD, rheumatoid disease, peptic ulcer disease, liver disease, diabetes with or without complications, hemiplegia or paraplegia, renal disease, cancer, metastatic cancer, HIV/AIDS)
Wong et al,46 2022 (Hong Kong SAR, China)Feb 26-Jun 26, 2022Health and Medical Research Fund, Health Bureau, Government of Hong Kong (outpatients)60,2145,542 (not reported), 46.3Not reported54,672 (not reported), 46.6Not reportedHospitalization or death at 99 days (propensity score 1:10 according to age, sex, date of SARS-CoV-2 infection diagnosis, Charlson Comorbidity Index, vaccination status)
Yip et al,47 2023 (Hong Kong SAR, China)Feb 16-Mar 31, 2022Not funded (outpatients)9,6794,921 (70.8 ± 12.1), 45.742.64,758 (70.5 ± 12.2), 45.842.8Hospitalization at 30 days (not clear)
Zhou et al,48a 2022 (USA)Dec 22, 2021-Jun 8, 2022Pfizer Inc (outpatients)13,6572,808 (not reported), 42.167.610,849 (not reported), 41.866.4Hospitalization at 30 days (not clear)
  • CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; NIH = National Institutes of Health; SAR = Special Administrative Region; SARS-CoV-2 = severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; USA = United States of America.

  • a Unpublished data (available online but not peer reviewed).36,41,48