Table 3

Results From Cox Proportional Hazards Models Estimating the Association Between Receipt of a New Metformin vs a New Sulfonylurea Prescription Fill and Incident Dementia for FY 2002 to 2015, Stratified by Race, Among African American and White VHA Patients Aged ≥50 Years (N = 73,761)

Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Weighted + AMGBc
Model 4
Weighted + Hypoglycemiad
RaceMET vs SU, HR (95% CI)MET vs SU, HR (95% CI)MET vs SU, HR (95% CI)MET vs SU, HR (95% CI)
 Whitee0.67 (0.63-0.71)0.96 (0.9-1.03)0.92 (0.86-0.99)0.98 (0.92-1.05)
 African Americane0.6 (0.51-0.71)0.73 (0.6-0.89)0.72 (0.58-0.88)0.77 (0.64-0.94)
 Race * drug, P valuef.
  • AMGB = average monthly glycemic burden; FY = fiscal year; HbA1c = hemoglobin A1c; HR = hazard ratio; MET = metformin; SU = sulfonylurea; VHA = Veterans Health Administration.

  • a Unweighted data.

  • b Inverse probability of treatment weighted data with robust, sandwich-type variance estimators.

  • c Additional adjustment for glycemic burden from MET/SU initiation to end of follow-up among a subset of 69,918 African American and white VHA patients with at least 2 HbA1c values after MET/SU initiation.

  • d Additional adjustment for time-dependent hypoglycemia episode after MET/SU initiation.

  • e Proportional hazard assumption P value: white = .244; African American = .07.

  • f Interaction P value testing differential effect of race on MET vs SU for each model.