Table 2.

Changes in HRSN, Overall and by Type: Interrupted Time Series Models

Model and Time PeriodaCoefficient Estimate (SE)95% CIt ValueP Value
Primary model: overall HRSN
    Before  0.3974 (0.02011)  0.3576 to 0.437219.77<.001
    Trend before<0.0001 (0.00074)−0.0014 to 0.0015  0.05.96
    Stay-at-home order  0.1774 (0.02353)  0.1309 to 0.2240  7.54<.001
    Trend after  0.0006 (0.00079)−0.0021 to 0.0010−0.74.46
Secondary models
HRSN: food
    Before  0.2909 (0.01815)  0.2550 to 0.326816.03<.001
    Trend before−0.0007 (0.00067)−0.0021 to 0.0006−1.09.28
    Stay-at-home order  0.1651 (0.02125)  0.1231 to 0.2071  7.77<.001
    Trend after−0.0004 (0.00071)−0.0018 to 0.0010−0.55.58
HRSN: housing
    Before  0.2131 (0.01824)  0.1771 to 0.249211.68<.001
    Trend before−0.0009 (0.00068)−0.0022 to 0.0004−1.34.18
    Stay-at-home order  0.1589 (0.02136)  0.1167 to 0.2011  7.44<.001
    Trend after  0.0013 (0.00072)−0.0001 to 0.0027  1.84.07
HRSN: transportation
    Before  0.0916 (0.01536)  0.0612 to 0.1219  5.96<.001
    Trend before  0.0018 (0.00057)  0.0006 to 0.0029  3.09.002
    Stay-at-home order  0.0724 (0.01798)  0.0368 to 0.1080  4.03<.001
    Trend after−0.0024 (0.00060)−0.0035 to −0.0012−3.90<.001
HRSN: utilities
    Before  0.0883 (0.01108)  0.0664 to 0.1102  7.97<.001
    Trend before  0.0003 (0.00041)−0.0005 to 0.0012  0.85.40
    Stay-at-home order  0.0746 (0.01297)  0.0490 to 0.0100  5.75<.001
    Trend after−0.0009 (0.00044)−0.0018 to −0.0001−2.12.04
HRSN: interpersonal safety
    Before  0.0291 (0.00503)  0.0191 to 0.0390  5.78<.001
    Trend before−0.0003 (0.00019)−0.0006 to 0.0001−1.39.17
    Stay-at-home order  0.0442 (0.00589)  0.0326 to 0.0559  7.51<.001
    Trend after−0.0001 (0.00020)−0.0005 to 0.0002−0.62.54
  • HRSN= health-related social needs; SE = standard error.

  • a Before: level before the stay-at-home order (intercept, time zero); trend before: change in slope in the 1 year before order; stay-at-home order: change in level at the time of the order; trend after: change in slope in the 2 years after order.