Table 3.

Longitudinal Assessment Intervention vs Control Groups at Baseline, 3 Months, and 6 Months

OutcomesCTIC GroupUT GroupTimeTime/Group
Mean (SD)3 Months No.Mean (SD)6 Months No.Mean (SD)Baseline No.Mean (SD)3 Months No.Mean (SD)6 Months No.Mean (SD)Eta2P ValueEta2P Value
    PHQ-9a11517.1 (5.7)9011.4 (7.1)818.9 (6.6)9917.3 (6.1)7013.8 (8.1)6012.2 (8.1)0.34.0500.01.014
    GAD-7b11513.1 (5.2)9010.5 (5.3)819.3 (5.7)9913.1 (4.9)7011.4 (5.6)6010.8 (6.3)0.14.0200.01.055
    DERSc11378.5 (22.9)8671.5 (25.2)7764.6 (24.9)9682.5 (22.9)6874.3 (28.2)5669.3 (25.6)0.16.0300.01.500
    OQ45.2 IRd11423.2 (8.7)8620.8 (9.7)7719.1 (9.4)9822.0 (7.3)6920.7 (8.6)5719.7 (8.1)0.07.0050.01.300
    OQ45.2 RSe11413.8 (5.7)8612.2 (5.9)7711.4 (6.2)9814.0 (5.7)6913.7 (6.7)5712.8 (6.5)0.04.0120.01.112
  • CTIC = collaborative trauma-informed care; DERS = difficulties in emotional regulation scale; Eta2 = η2 correlation coefficient; GAD = generalized anxiety disorder; IR= interpersonal relations; OQ = outcome questionnaire; PHQ= patient health questionnaire; SR = social role; UT = usual treatment.

  • NOTE: The CTIC group was the intervention, and the UT group, the control.

  • a PHQ-9 score range = 0-27; 7 or more indicates depressive symptoms.

  • b GAD-7 score range = 0-23; 10 or more indicates anxiety symptoms.

  • c DERS score range = 0-140; 73 or more indicates emotion dysregulation.

  • d OQ45.2 PI subscale score range = 0-48; 16 or more indicates interpersonal dysfunctions.

  • e OQ45.2 SR subscale score range = 0-36; 14 or more indicates social dysfunctions.