Table 4.

Comparative ITT Analysis of Intervention vs Control Groups: Impact on Outcomes and Adherence at 6 Months

OutcomesCTIC GroupUT GroupComparisonIntracluster Coefficient
No.Mean (SD)No.Mean (SD)AMD (95% CI) P ValueEffect Size (95% CI)Baseline6 months
    PHQ-9a1158.9 (6.6)9912.2 (8.1)−3.09 (−4.94 to −1.23) .001−0.46 (−073 to −0.18)0.060.10
    GAD-7b1159.3 (5.7)9910.8 (6.3)− 1.50 (− 3.03 to 0.31) .055−0.25 (−0.52 to 0.02)0.050.05
    DERSc11364.6 (25.0)9669.3 (25.6)−2.40 (−8.35 to 3.54) .427−0.19 (−0.46 to 0.09)0.060.08
    OQ-45.2 IRd11419.1 (9.4)9819.7 (8.1)−1.12 (−3.27 to 1.03) .307−0.06 (−0.34 to 0.20)0.120.08
    OQ-45.2 SRe11411.4 (6.2)9812.8 (6.5)−1.26 (−2.81 to 0.29) .112−0.21 (−0.48 to 0.06)0.070.06
    GHASf10431.7 (9.9)7929.0 (9.8)2.59 (1.82 to 4.99) .035−0.00 (−0.43 to 0.30)0.100.11
  • AMD = adjusted mean difference; CTIC = collaborative trauma-informed care; DERS = difficulties in emotional regulation scale; GAD = generalized anxiety disorder; GHAS = general health adherence scale; IP = interpersonal; ITT = intention to treat; OQ = outcome questionnaire; PHQ= patient health questionnaire; SR = social role; UT = usual treatment.

  • NOTE: The CTIC group was the intervention, and the UT group, the control.

  • a PHQ-9 score range = 0-27; 7 or more indicates depressive symptoms.

  • b GAD-7 score range =0-23; 10 or more indicates anxiety symptoms.

  • c DERS score range = 0-140; 73 or more indicates emotion dysregulation.

  • d OQ45.2 PI subscale score range = 0-48; 16 or more indicates interpersonal dysfunctions.

  • e OQ45.2 SR subscale score range = 0-36; 14 or more indicates social dysfunctions.

  • f GHAS score range = 0-36; 24 or less is low, 25-30 is moderate, and 31 or more is high adherence.