Table 1

Characteristics of African American and White VHA Patients Aged ≥50 Years Who Received Either a New Metformin or a New Sulfonylurea Prescription Fill (N = 73,761)

CovariateWhite (n = 63,202)African American (n = 10,559)P Value
Medication initiated, no. (%)
 Metformin47,821 (75.7)8,038 (76.1).307
 Sulfonylurea15,381 (24.3)2,521 (23.9)
Index year, no. (%)
 2002-20043,653 (5.8)486 (4.6)
 2005-200620,728 (32.8)3,250 (30.8)
 2007-200816,714 (26.4)2,636 (25.0)<.001
 2009-201013,016 (20.6)2,381 (22.5)
 2011-20129,091 (14.4)1,806 (17.1)
Sociodemographic related
 Age, y, mean (±SD)61.3 (±8.6)58.2 (±7.5)<.001
 Age category, y, no. (%)
  50-6440,811 (64.6)8,325 (78.8)
  65-7416,414 (26.0)1,824 (17.3)<.001
  ≥755,977 (9.5)410 (3.9)
 Male sex, no. (%)61,353 (97.1)10,049 (95.2)<.001
 Married, no. (%)38,549 (61.0)5,062 (47.9)<.001
 Low nSES, no. (%)30,134 (47.7)6,865 (65.0)<.001
 VHA insurance only, no. (%)27,705 (43.8)6,044 (57.2)<.001
 High health care use, no. (%)15,378 (24.3)3,134 (29.7)<.001
Diabetes related
 Diabetic nephropathy, no. (%)753 (1.2)132 (1.3).608
 Diabetic retinopathy, no. (%)3,275 (5.2)560 (5.3).602
 Diabetic neuropathy, no. (%)4,696 (7.4)618 (5.9)<.001
 HbA1c value, %, mean (±SD)7.2 (±1.4)7.4 (±1.7)<.001
 HbA1c category, no. (%)
  <7%32,895 (52.0)4,875 (46.2)
  7-8%19,439 (30.8)3,431 (32.5)<.001
  >8%10,868 (17.2)2,253 (21.3)
Creatinine value, mg/dL, mean (±SD)1.0 (±0.2)1.1 (±0.2)<.001
Other comorbidities
 Obesity, no. (%)38,216 (60.5)5,846 (55.4)<.001
 Hypertension, no. (%)57,326 (90.7)9,751 (92.3)<.001
 Hyperlipidemia, no. (%)55,918 (88.5)8,252 (78.2)<.001
 Stroke, no. (%)4,304 (6.8)696 (6.6).409
 Ischemic heart disease, no. (%)31,514 (49.9)3,828 (36.3)<.001
 Congestive heart failure, no. (%)11,609 (18.4)1,397 (13.2)<.001
 Atrial fibrillation, no. (%)9,091 (14.4)699 (6.6)<.001
 Traumatic brain injury, no. (%)3,993 (6.3)638 (6.0).280
 Vitamin B12 deficiency, no. (%)3,243 (5.1)377 (3.6)<.001
Psychiatric and substance comorbidities
 Depression, no. (%)18,165 (28.7)2,946 (27.9).077
 PTSD, no. (%)11,704 (18.5)2,631 (24.9)<.001
 Other anxiety, no. (%)a9,076 (14.4)1,081 (10.2)<.001
 Bipolar disorder, no. (%)4,926 (7.8)823 (7.8).999
 Schizophrenia, no. (%)3,008 (4.8)1,063 (10.1)<.001
 Nicotine dependence/smoking, no. (%)33,240 (52.6)6,072 (57.5)<.001
 Alcohol abuse/dependence, no. (%)9,209 (14.6)2,620 (24.8)<.001
 Illicit drug abuse/dependence, no. (%)3,988 (6.3)2,012 (19.1)<.001
Other medicationsb
 Statins, no. (%)45,061 (71.3)6,276 (59.4)<.001
 Anticholinergics, no. (%)28,035 (44.4)5,243 (49.7)<.001
 NSAIDs, no. (%)34,581 (54.7)6,794 (64.3)<.001
 Antihypertensives, no. (%)55,492 (87.8)9,273 (87.8).954
  • HbA1c = hemoglobin A1c; NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; nSES = neighborhood socioeconomic status; PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder; VHA = Veterans Health Administration.

  • a Other anxiety disorders = panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, anxiety not otherwise specified.

  • b Other medications = sustained use before metformin or sulfonylurea (at least 2 fills in a 6-month period).

  • NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder; VHA = Veterans Health Administration.