PHC Organization | PHC Financing |
1. What are the factors to be considered and negotiated for successful referral from primary to secondary care and back (in Brazil)? | 1. What is the most appropriate payment system to increase access and availability of quality PHC (in Croatia)? |
2. How should care be horizontally integrated and coordinated among the multidisciplinary PHC team (in South Africa)? | 2. What mechanisms have been found to be effective in persuading governments to invest in PHC (in Kenya)? |
3. How can the public and private sectors work more collaboratively to improve and integrate PHC coverage and prevent segmentation of the services (in Malaysia)? | 3. What are the factors or incentives that can improve distribution of PHC workforce or equity of accessing PHC services (in the Caribbean)? |
4. How can different stakeholders (eg, policy makers, health system managers, health workforce organizations, academic institutions and communities) support and assist the primary health care workforce and successful team functioning (in Nigeria)? | 4. What is the ideal proportion of the total health care budget that guarantees the development of quality PHC (in Turkey)? |
PHC = primary health care.