Table 2

Characteristics of Patients Who Received Either a New Metformin or a New Sulfonylurea Prescription Fill, Stratified by Race (N = 73,761)

CovariateWhite (n = 63,202)African American (n = 10,559)
Metformin (n = 47,821)Sulfonylurea (n = 15,381)P ValueMetformin (n = 8,038)Sulfonylurea (n = 2,521)P Value
Index year, no. (%)
 2002-20042,274 (4.8)1,379 (9.0)286 (3.6)200 (7.9)
 2005-200613,899 (29.1)6,829 (44.4)2,209 (27.5)1,041 (41.3)
 2007-200812,999 (27.2)3,715 (24.2)<.0012,034 (25.3)602 (23.9)<.001
 2009-201010,805 (22.6)2,211 (14.4)1,948 (24.2)433 (17.2)
 2011-20127,844 (16.4)1,247 (8.1)1,561 (19.4)245 (9.7)
Sociodemographic related
 Age, y, mean (±SD)60.4 (±8.1)64.1 (±9.4)<.00157.6 (±7.0)59.9 (±8.5)<.001
 Age category, y, no. (%)
  50-6432,914 (68.8)7,897 (51.3)6,543 (81.4)1,782 (70.7)
  65-7411,633 (24.3)4,781 (31.1)<.0011,276 (15.9)548 (21.7)<.001
  ≥753,274 (6.8)2,703 (17.6)219 (2.7)191 (7.6)
 Male sex, no. (%)46,352 (96.9)15,001 (97.5).00017,603 (94.6)2,446 (97.0)<.001
 Married, no. (%)29,057 (60.8)9,492 (61.7).0363,888 (48.4)1,174 (46.6).114
 Low nSES, no. (%)22,544 (47.1)7,590 (49.3)<.0015,171 (64.3)1,694 (67.2).009
 VHA insurance only, no. (%)21,703 (45.4)6,002 (39.0)<.0014,626 (57.6)1,418 (56.2).248
 High health care use, no. (%)11,500 (24.0)3,878 (25.2).0032,353 (29.3)781 (31.0).102
Diabetes related
 Diabetic nephropathy, no. (%)506 (1.1)247 (1.6)<.00189 (1.1)43 (1.7).018
 Diabetic retinopathy, no. (%)2,267 (4.7)1,008 (6.6)<.001393 (4.9)167 (6.6).001
 Diabetic neuropathy, no. (%)3,332 (7.0)1,364 (8.9)<.001433 (5.4)185 (7.3).0003
 HbA1c value, %, mean (±SD)7.1 (±1.3)7.4 (±1.5)<.0017.4 (±1.6)7.7 (±1.9)<.001
 HbA1c category, no. (%)
  <7%25,738 (53.8)7,157 (46.5)3,891 (48.4)984 (39.0)
  7-8%14,519 (30.4)4,920 (32.0)<.0012,598 (32.3)833 (33.0)<.001
  >8%7,564 (15.8)3,304 (21.5)1,549 (19.3)704 (27.9)
Creatinine value, mg/dL, mean (±SD)1.0 (±0.2)1.1 (±0.2)<.0011.0 (±0.2)1.1 (±0.2)<.001
Other comorbidities
 Obesity, no. (%)30,193 (63.1)8,023 (52.2)<.0014,684 (58.3)1,162 (46.1)<.001
 Hypertension, no. (%)43,223 (90.4)14,103 (91.7)<.0017,427 (92.4)2,324 (92.2).726
 Hyperlipidemia, no. (%)42,570 (89.0)13,348 (86.8)<.0016,417 (79.8)1,835 (72.8)<.001
 Stroke, no. (%)3,029 (6.3)1,275 (8.3)<.001489 (6.1)207 (8.2).0002
 Ischemic heart disease, no. (%)22,979 (48.1)8,535 (55.5)<.0012,851 (35.5)977 (38.8).003
 Congestive heart failure, no. (%)7,797 (16.3)3,812 (24.8)<.001989 (12.3)408 (16.2)<.001
 Atrial fibrillation, no. (%)6,158 (12.9)2,933 (19.1)<.001504 (6.3)195 (7.7).01
 Traumatic brain injury, no. (%)3,045 (6.4)948 (6.2).366489 (6.1)149 (5.9).75
 Vitamin B12 deficiency, no. (%)2,370 (5.0)873 (5.7).0004292 (3.6)85 (3.4).538
Psychiatric and substance comorbidities
 Depression, no. (%)14,231 (29.8)3,934 (25.6)<.0012,334 (29.0)612 (24.3)<.001
 PTSD, no. (%)9,357 (19.6)2,347 (15.3)<.0012,089 (26.0)542 (21.5)<.001
 Other anxiety, no. (%)a7,022 (14.7)2,054 (13.4)<.001847 (10.5)234 (9.3).07
 Bipolar disorder, no. (%)3,909 (8.2)1,017 (6.6)<.001650 (8.1)173 (6.9).045
 Schizophrenia, no. (%)2,335 (4.9)673 (4.4).01809 (10.1)254 (10.1).988
 Nicotine abuse/dependence, no. (%)25,423 (53.2)7,817 (50.8)<.0014,630 (57.6)1,442 (57.2).722
 Alcohol abuse/dependence, no. (%)7,190 (15.0)2,019 (13.1)<.0012,008 (25.0)612 (24.3).474
 Illicit drug abuse/dependence, no. (%)3,139 (6.6)849 (5.5)<.0011,524 (19.0)488 (19.4).658
Other medicationsb
 Statins, no. (%)34,418 (72.0)10,643 (69.2)<.0014,896 (60.9)1,380 (54.7)<.001
 Anticholinergics, no. (%)21,443 (44.8)6,592 (42.9)<.0014,035 (50.2)1,208 (47.9).046
 NSAIDs, no. (%)26,919 (56.3)7,662 (49.8)<.0015,272 (65.6)1,522 (60.4)<.001
 Antihypertensives, no. (%)41,827 (87.5)13,665 (88.8)<.0017,057 (87.8)2,216 (87.9).887
  • HbA1c = hemoglobin A1c; NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; nSES = neighborhood socioeconomic status; PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder; VHA = Veterans Health Administration.

  • a Other anxiety disorders = panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, anxiety not otherwise specified.

  • b Other medications = sustained use before metformin or sulfonylurea (at least 2 fills in a 6-month period).