Table 1

Characteristics of Included and Excluded Participants Measured Before Prednisolone Test Treatment

CharacteristicsIncluded N=233Excluded N=167P Value
 Age, mean (SD), y63 (9)63 (9).7a
 Male, %4940.1b
 Duration of cough, mean [median] (SD)d110 [42] (197)89 [35] (171).30c
 Current smoker, %2724.4b
 Pack years of smoking mean [median] (SD)19 [10] (24)12 [4] (20).01c
 Allergy for pollen or dust mite, %1413.8b
 Current use inhaled steroids, %1310.3b
 FEV1, mean (SD), L2.6 (0.8)2.7 (0.7)e.7a
 FEV1, predicted mean (SD), %93 (20)96 (19)e.3a
 FVC, predicted mean (SD), %103 (19)102 (19)e.4a
 FEV1/FVC, mean (SD), %73 (10)76 (12)e.004a
  • FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in 1 minute; FVC = forced vital capacity.

  • a Independent sample t test.

  • b χ2 Test.

  • c Mann-Whitney U test.

  • d Postbronchodilator results.

  • e Spirometry results available for 149 of the 167 excluded participants.