Item | Description (Root: “How confident are you that this patient will…”) |
1 | Provide all the medical information you need?a |
2 | Answer your questions honestly? |
3 | Accurately report (not exaggerate or downplay) his or her symptoms? |
4 | Let you know when there has been a major change in his or her condition?a |
5 | Tell you about all medications and treatments he or she is using?a |
6 | Understand what you tell him/her?a |
7 | Accept your medical judgment? |
8 | Believe what you say? |
9 | Follow the treatment plan you recommend?a |
10 | Ask appropriate questions? |
11 | Be actively involved in managing his/her condition/ problem?a |
12 | Tell you if he/she is not following the treatment plan?a |
13 | Tell you if she/he has a problem with something you did? |
14 | Respect your time?a |
15 | Respect personal boundaries?a |
16 | Not make unreasonable demands?a |
17 | Not manipulate the office visit for secondary gain (eg, for inappropriate disability certification or prescription of controlled substances)?a |
18 | Keep his or her appointments?a |
Notes: Response scale: 1 = not at all confident; 2 = a little confident; 3=some-what confident; 4=mostly confident; 5=completely confident. Relationship of items to themes from the qualitative study: provide accurate and complete information (items 1–5), adhere to the agreed upon treatment plan (items 6–9), actively participate in his or her care (items 10–13), respect the physician (items 14–16), not manipulate for secondary gain (item 17), remain committed to the relationship (item 18).
↵a Items retained in final scale.