Table 3.

Potential Barriers to Self-care From Free-Listing Interviews

Potential barrier to self-careNumber of participants citing category*Examples (quotations)
COPD = Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
*Mean number of barriers to self-care mentioned by respondents, 7.7 (range, 5–11).
Compound effects of conditions14Can’t exercise for diabetes due to the breathing.
Physical limitations/adaptations to limitations caused by conditions14Hard to get around and do what I used to.
Compound effects of medications (therapeutic and side effects)9Medication for one affects another health problem.
Schedule and coordination of medications9Hard to keep on top of needing different medications at different times.
Total burden of medications6I don’t like taking all this medicine.
Side effects of medications5Medicine for blood pressure makes me feel bad.
Lack of knowledge about conditions8I didn’t know you could treat diabetes.
Financial constraints8Need to pay for medicines ... financial issues.
Low self-efficacy or sense of loss of control8Feel like I’m falling apart. This has been a bad year.
Burden of the dominant effect of a single condition8Loss of vision is worse than COPD or arthritis.
Emotional impact of diseases7List of problems makes me worry about health.
Inadequate communication with providers7Not everybody is the same and needs the same treatment.
Need for or use of social support7It’s a team effort between the two of us [husband and wife].
Logistical issues3Have to go to the doctor more.
Need for understanding conditions.3Society, parents, teachers need to try to understand chronic