Table 1.

Variation in the Number of Persons Who Received Care in Different Health Care Settings in the United States in 1996 (persons per 1,000/mo), by Sociodemographic Characteristics.

Demographic CharacteristicHospital Stays No. (SE)Outpatient Department Visits No. (SE)Emergency Department Visit No. (SE)Office Visits No. (SE)Home Health Care No. (SE)
SE = standard error, GED = general equivalency diploma, MSA = metropolitan statistical area county.
Age (y)
< 55.6 (0.9)11.8 (1.2)18.6 (1.3)243.5 (7.2)2.2 (0.9)
5–172.4 (0.4)7.0 (0.7)11.4 (0.6)144.6 (3.5)1.7 (0.6)
18–246.8 (0.8)9.9 (1.1)18.0 (1.5)140.1 (5.2)2.0 (0.9)
25–446.8 (0.4)17.0 (1.0)2.3 (0.5)191.8 (3.8)4.4 (0.8)
45–649.0 (0.6)32.7 (1.7)10.8 (0.6)262.7 (5.0)9.0 (1.2)
≥ 6520.2 (1.1)50.8 (2.6)14.0 (0.8)383.8 (7.4)73.6 (4.7)
Female9.0 (0.4)25.0 (1.1)13.3 (0.4)255.5 (3.4)17.4 (1.2)
Male6.9 (0.4)17.7 (0.8)12.6 (0.5)181.0 (3.1)8.2 (0.9)
White8.2 (0.3)23.0 (0.8)13.1 (0.4)232.9 (3.1)13.0 (0.9)
African American7.2 (0.8)15.7 (1.6)13.2 (0.9)154.0 (4.4)14.3 (2.1)
Asian Pacific Islander4.4 (0.8)10.0 (2.6)5.1 (1.1)153.0 (10.1)6.3 (2.8)
American Indian7.2 (2.0)11.3 (2.2)21.1 (3.6)182.9 (23.1)15.1 (8.3)
Non-Hispanic8.1 (0.3)22.6 (0.8)3.0 (0.4)227.0 (3.0)13.7 (0.9)
Hispanic6.7 (0.6)12.1 (1.1)12.9 (0.9)155.7 (5.2)7.0 (1.1)
Household income as percent of federal poverty level
≥ 400%6.2 (0.4)22.6 (1.1)9.5 (0.5)246.5 (4.4)7.5 (1.0)
200%–399%6.9 (0.4)19.4 (0.9)11.8 (0.5)207.5 (3.6)7.3 (1.1)
125%–199%10.0 (0.8)21.8 (1.8)15.8 (1.0)205.1 (5.7)19.2 (2.9)
100%–124%9.6 (1.3)24.8 (3.9)17.6 (2.1)196.3 (9.0)31.6 (5.5)
< 100%11.3 (0.9)21.5 (1.7)18.8 (1.0)202.8 (5.6)25.5 (2.8)
Education of head of household
No degree11.0 (0.8)23.8 (1.6)17.1 (0.9)201.5 (5.4)29.6 (3.0)
Graduated high school, GED8.1 (0.4)21.1 (0.9)13.4 (0.5)210.7 (3.6)10.4 (0.9)
Degree beyond high school5.8 (0.4)20.5 (1.2)9.9 (4.3)243.6 (4.8)7.5 (1.1)
Residence location
MSA7.6 (0.3)20.3 (0.7)12.3 (0.4)220.7 (3.0)11.6 (0.9)
Non-MSA9.2 (0.8)25.7 (2.2)15.8 (0.9)213.2 (6.6)18.2 (2.3)
Insurance status
Insured8.7 (0.4)23.5 (0.9)12.9 (0.4)239.7 (3.0)15.0 (1.0)
Uninsured3.9 (0.5)11.0 (1.0)13.3 (0.8)116.6 (3.9)2.8 (0.9)
Usual source of care
A usual source of care8.7 (0.3)24.1 (0.9)13.5 (0.4)244.6 (3.1)14.5 (1.0)
No usual source of care4.6 (0.5)8.8 (0.8)10.3 (0.6)99.2 (3.8)5.4 (1.2)