Table 1.

Wells Rule and the Primary Care Rule Scoring to Rule Out Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

VariablesWells RulePrimary Care Rule
Male sex1
Oral contraceptive use1
Presence of active malignancy (within last 6 mo)11
Immobilization paresis/plaster lower extremities1
Major surgery (last 3 mo)11
Absence of leg trauma1
Localized tenderness of deep venous system1
Dilated collateral veins (not varicose)11
Swelling, whole leg1
Calf swelling ≥3 cm12
Pitting edema confined to the symptomatic leg1
Previously documented DVT1
Alternative diagnosis at least as likely as DVT−2
Positive D-dimer result6
Cutoff scores for considering DVT as absent≤1≤3