Table 3

Construct Validity: Mean Physician Trust Scores by Clinician-Reported Behaviors and Patient Diagnoses

Full ScalebFactor 1: Patient RolecFactor 2: Respect for Boundariesd
VariableNo.aMean±SDP ValueeMean±SDP ValueeMean±SDP Valuee
Clinician-reported behaviorsf
Ordered toxicology screen<.001.001<.001
Discontinued opioid because violated agreement.14.13.77
Did not prescribe opioid because concerned about misuse<.001<.001<.001
Patient reported opioid lost or stolen.008.057.003
 Sometimes/often/very often2136.5±10.524.2±7.412.3±5.0
Patient has used opioid to get high<.001<.001<.001
 Probably not/definitely not7344.8±10.428.8±7.816.0±4.1
Patient has sold, traded, stolen, given away opioid<.001<.001<.001
 Probably not/definitely not6446.2±10.129.8±7.616.4±3.7
Patient diagnoses
Peripheral neuropathy.87.78.26
History of cancer.89.95.98
  • a Numbers of patients do not total to 168 because of missing data.

  • b Possible scores range from 0 to 60; higher scores indicate greater trust.

  • c Possible scores range from 0 to 40; higher scores indicate greater trust.

  • d Possible scores range from 0 to 20; higher scores indicate greater trust.

  • e P values were calculated by a generalized linear mixed model to account for clustering by clinician.

  • f In the past 12 months.