Table 1.

Sociodemographic Characteristics of Women with Normal and Low–Birth-Weight Infants, and Relative Risks for Low Birth Weight

Characteristic% Normal Birth Weight (2,500 g) (n = 153)% Low Birth Weight (<2,500 g) (n = 9)Relative Risk for Low Birth Weight (95% CI)
CI = confidence interval.
* P <.05.
Note: Categories for variables follow—ethnicity (Hispanic, non-Hispanic white + 3 other); dominant language (Spanish, English); maternal age (mean ± SD and18–24 y vs 25+ y); marital status (married/cohabiting vs single/dating); education (<12 y, ≥12 y); smoking (yes, no); history of fetal loss (spontaneous abortion or fetal demise); maternal enrollment weight (<132 lb vs ≥132 lb); gestational age at enrollment (≥14 wk vs <14 wk); parity (number of live births); maternal unwanted pregnancy (unwanted, mistimed + intended); maternal happiness status (unhappy + ambivalent, happy); mother reports partner happier (mother reports father happiness 5+ points higher than her own happiness); risk ratios for maternal planning; previous low–birth-weight infant; maternal medical problems (gestational diabetes, preexisting hypertension or preeclampsia, renal problems, and anemia); and psychosocial variables omitted because of cells with 0 or 1.
Hispanic74.566.70.70 (0.16–2.86)
English dominant43.888.910.27 (1.25–84.1)*
Age, mean y (± SD)23.9 (± 4.8)24.6 (± 6.7)P = .72
Young maternal age63.477.72.02 (0.41–10.1)
Parents married or live together89.944.40.21 (.054–0.83)*
Education <12 y54.955.61.03 (0.3–4.0)
Smoking21.655.64.54 (1.16–17.89)*
History of fetal loss16.322.21.46 (0.3–7.5)
Low maternal enrollment weight35.966.73.6 (0.9–14.8)
Late gestational age at enrollment37.344.41.34 (0.3–5.2)
Parity, mean No. (± SD)3.1 (± 0 .9)3.1 (± 1.1)P = .72
Maternal unwanted pregnancy13.122.21.9 (0.4–9.8)
Unhappy or ambivalent mother25.588.923.4 (2.83–193.0)*
Maternal report of greater partner happiness5.944.412.8 (2.92–56.0)*