Table 1.

Comparison of Survey Methods, Response Rates and Times, and Hypothetical Case Management Approaches

CharacteristicAAFP Survey 5 WReN SurveyPValue
AAFP = American Academy of Family Physicians; WReN = Wisconsin Research Network; NS = not significant.
* Total cost of printing, envelopes, and postage divided by number of responses. The associated personnel costs are not included.
† For case management, we compared responses between the Midwest subset of the AAFP sample (101 physicians, 43 respondents, and 97 responses to cases of inhalational anthrax evaluated) and WReN physicians (62 responses to cases of inhalational anthrax evaluated). Values are percentages of cases for which respondents indicated that they would use that management strategy.
Survey method
    Physicians eligible, No.33,36560
    Physicians sent survey instruments, No.66255
    Method of survey distributionSent by conventional mail with self- addressed, stamped response postcardSent by e-mail with instructions to reply by e-mail
    Distributions, No.32
    Time between distributions, days217
    Direct cost per response, $*5.59Nominal
Response rate and time
    Physicians responding, No. (%)245 (37.0)26 (47.3)NS
    Range of response times, days7–1721–21
    Median response time, days282<.0001
Case management
    Hospitalize the patient, %62.962.7NS
    Obtain a chest radiograph, %84.286.7NS
    Obtain a specimen for blood culture, %55.245.9NS
    Initiate empiric antibiotic therapy, %58.845.9NS