Table 3:

Alcohol-Related Discussions: Duration and Comfort as Reported by Clinicians and Patients, by Percentage of Respondents

Missouri NetworkAAFP National Network
ResponsesSingle QuestionCAGE QuestionsSingle QuestionCAGE Questions
Note: none of the differences within a given network is statistically significant.
Duration of the alcohol-related discussion
Estimating duration as <1 min
    Clinician’s perception82839394
    Paient’s perception85818382
Clinicians rating the discussion
Clinicians rate themselves as
    Somewhat or quite comfortable78809492
    Somewhat or very uncomfortable7513
Clinician perceives patients to be
    Very candid or fairly open86879596
    Somewhat or very defensive3211
Patients rating the discussion
Patients rate themselves as
    Somewhat or quite comfortable68717070
    Somewhat or very uncomfortable8765