Table 1

Baseline Characteristics of Participants Overall and Grouped by Antihypertensive Treatment (n = 1,266)

(n = 1,266)
Antihypertensive Treatment P
(n = 1,057)
(n = 209)
Sociodemographic data
 Female, n (%)874 (69)728 (69)146 (70).72
 Age, years (SD)82.4 (5)82.5 (5)82.3 (5).59
 Primary school only, n (%)656 (52)541 (51)115 (55).33
 Low incomeb, n (%)197 (16)166 (16)31 (15).72
 Residential home, n (%)101 (8)83 (8)18 (9).72
Systolic blood pressure, n (%)
 <130 mm Hg237 (19)197 (19)40 (19)
 130-150 mm Hg613 (48)493 (47)120 (57).004
 >150 mm Hg416 (33)367 (35)49 (23)
Comorbidity, n (%)
 CVDc511 (40)503 (48)8 (4)<.001
 Diabetes mellitus274 (22)242 (23)32 (15).013
 Depression182 (14)148 (14)34 (16).42
 Cancer159 (13)134 (13)25 (12).75
 Complex health problemsd674 (53)571 (54)103 (49).23
Baseline function, mean (SD)
 MMSEe score27.2 (3.1)27.2 (3.0)27.0 (3.5).31
 GARSf score33.0 (11.5)33.3 (11.4)31.2 (11.7).019
 EQ-5D-3Lg index values0.70 (0.27)0.66 (0.27)0.71 (0.26).031
  • CVD = cardiovascular disease; EUR = euro; GARS = Groningen Activities Restriction Scale; MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination.

  • a P value from χ2 test for categorical data and t test for normally distributed continuous data.

  • b Defined as state pension only (~EUR 750 monthly).

  • c CVD included myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, intermittent claudication, other ischemic heart disease, stroke, transient ischemic attack, and heart failure.

  • d Defined as patients having problems in 3 or more of 4 domains (functional, somatic, mental, social).

  • e MMSE on a scale of 0 to 30 points (higher scores indicate better cognitive function).

  • f GARS; score ranges from 18 to 72 (higher scores indicate greater disability).

  • g Quality of life (EQ-5D-3L index values; full health has a value of 1, dead a value of 0).