Table 1.

Indications for Colonoscopy and Adenomatous Polyp Yield by Indication (N = 731)

Indication*% (No.)With Adenomas% (No.)
* Some patients had more than 1 indication.
† Villous adenomas and adenomatous polyps are considered together as adenomas.
‡ The relatively low percentage of screening studies is attributed to Medicare coverage for screening colonoscopy not occurring until 2000, late in the case series.
Previous polyps22.2 (229)32.3 (74)
Rectal bleeding19.8 (204)16.7 (34)
Family history of10.5 (108)18.5 (20)
colon cancer
Abdominal pain10.0 (103)15.5 (16)
Screening9.3 (96)17.7 (17)
Heme-positive stool6.5 (67)25.4 (17)
Iron deficiency4.2 (43)14.0 (6)
Constipation3.9 (40)15.0 (6)
Change in bowel habits3.8 (39)25.6 (10)
Chronic diarrhea2.7 (28)17.9 (5)
Weight loss0.3 (3)0.0 (0)
Other6.2 (64)
Nonspecified0.7 (7)