Table 1.

Demographic Characteristics of the Survey Sample

VariableIntervention n = 123Control n = 62Overall n = 185PValue
Note: P values stem from χ2 tests for categorical variables and from t tests for age. To avoid nearly empty or empty cells for the χ2 tests, cells with 4 or more comorbidities were combined.
Age, y, mean (SD)42.3 (17.4)43.9 (15.7)42.8 (16.8).53
Male, %17.924.220.31
Respondent’s education, %.55
    < High school29.323.027.2
    High school29.327.928.8
    > High school41.549.244.0
Household income ≥ $30,000, %26.822.628.9.53
Race or ethnicity, %.32
    White (non-Hispanic)65.975.869.2
    Black (non-Hispanic)
    Other + multiracial + Asian11.46.59.7
Comorbidities, No., mean (SD)1.32 (1.23)2.08 (1.53)1.57 (1.38).007
Asthma severity, %.11
    Persistent (mild)19.425.223.2
    Persistent (moderate or severe)46.830.936.2
No insurance, %