Table 1.

Characteristics of Patients and Physicians in Study and Comparison Practices

CharacteristicsEnrolled PhysiciansNot Enrolled Physicians
MCO = managed care organization.
* Socioeconomic variables derived from patient Zip code linked to 1990 US census data. Information is based on 1996 to 1999 claims data.
Age, y, mean (SD)41.0 (11.0)41.1 (11.2)
Sex, % female53.952.7
Income, US$, median (SD)*37,830 (10,683)36,874 (10,160)
High school graduate, %, mean (SD)*64.8 (7.8)63.8 (7.9)
Any visit to a physician, %83.182.5
Percentage of patients referred25.725.6
Years enrolled in the MCO, mean (SD)3.07 (1.12)3.07 (1.12)
Annual adherence indicators, %
    Women with Papanicolaou tests52.551.8
    Women >40 y with mammograms46.246.2
    Diabetic with eye examinations47.046.4
    Diabetic with glycohemoglobin tests67.066.1
    Diabetic with cholesterol tests54.754.5
Per-patient costs in 1996 dollars; mean, median (SD)
    Diagnostic testing189,19.6 (521)196, 23.6 (513)
    Inpatient254, 0 (4,702)264, 0 (4,038)
    Total costs938, 228 (5,493)950, 228 (4,914)
    Specialty, % family practice4724
    Patients in panel, No. (SD)1,218 (758)813 (776)