Table 3.

Prevalence of Multimorbidity by Age and Sex

Percentage* of Patients With Multimorbidity (95% CI)
18–44 Years45–64 Years65+ Years
IndexMale n = 58Female n = 173Male n = 141Female n = 288Male n = 121Female n = 199
CI = confidence interval; CIRS = Cumulative Illness Rating Scale.
* Decimals omitted for clarity.
Chronic health problems
    2 or more72 (59–83)68 (61–75)89 (82–93)95 (92–97)98 (93–99)99 (97–100)
    3 or more48 (35–62)46 (38–53)65 (57–73)82 (77–87)91 (84–95)98 (94–99)
    4 or more38 (26–52)30 (23–37)52 (43–60)66 (60–71)83 (75–89)91 (86–94)
    5 or more19 (10–31)18 (13–25)42 (34–50)51 (46–57)74 (65–81)77 (71–83)
CIRS score
    5 or more55 (42–68)48 (40–56)80 (73–86)85 (80–89)93 (87–97)98 (94–99)
    10 or more17 (9–29)13 (9–19)33 (25–41)39 (34–45)69 (60–78)70 (64–77)