Table 2.

Regression Model Examining Patient and Clinician Characteristics, Plan Type, and Intervention Status as Predictors of Detection of Recent Suicidal Ideation at Index Visit

Characteristic*Adjusted OR (95% CI)P Value
OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval; mCES-D = modified Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression scale; CIDI = World Health Organization Composite International Diagnostic Interview for Primary Care; QuEST = Quality Enhancement by Strategic Teaming; MHAP = Mental Health Awareness Project; HMO = health maintenance organization.
* In prior analyses, none of the clinician characteristics met the level of significance required for inclusion in this model (P <.20).
† When added to the model with the above terms included.
Patient: social and demographic
    Male sex4.68 (2.24–9.75)<.001
Patient: clinical
    Severity of depression on mCES-D1.01 (0.98–1.03).6909
    Severity of suicidal ideation on CIDI1.55 (1.00–2.40).0506
    Mental health specialty care in previous 6 months1.43 (0.73–2.80).2994
    Project (QuEST vs MHAP), also plan type (HMO vs mixed payer)3.12 (2.12–4.59)<.001
    Intervention vs usual care2.54 (1.31–4.93).0059
    Intervention*project interaction1.01.9920