Table 2.

Study Results Obtained With Differing Models

Description of the data
VariableDescriptionMean (SD)Range
yij Number of alcohol-free weeks in 1 year for patient i from clinic j14.61 (2.12)8.7–19.1
xij Total hours of physician advice per year for patient i from clinic j0.56 (0.30)0.002–1.23
wj Urbanicity: urban = 1; rural = 00.60–1
i Indexes patients within a clinic1–100
j Indexes clinics1–5
HLM model 1: random-effects ANOVA model
Fixed effectsEstimate*SE t df Pr > t
γ00 (grand mean)14.610.7918.46499.000
Random effects Estimate* Pr(H0: τ= 0)
τ00 (between-clinic variance)1.76.000
σ2 (residual variance)1.41
REG model 1: traditional linear regression model 1
Fixed effectsEstimate*SE t Pr> t
β010) – slope1.311.231.07.345
β100) – intercept13.871.1911.69.000
σ2 (residual variance)2.1
HLM model 2: random-intercept model
Fixed effectsEstimate*SE t df Pr> t
γ10 (slope)2.381.052.26498.024
γ00 (average intercept)13.271.3010.244.000
Random effects Estimate* Pr(H0: τ= 0)
τ00 (variability in clinic intercepts)3.470.000
σ2 (residual variance)1.65
HLM model 3: random-coefficients model
Fixed effectsEstimate*SE t df Pr> t
γ10 (average slope)2.960.893.314.040
γ00 (average intercept)12.801.329.744.000
Random effects Estimate* Pr(H0: τ= 0)
τ00 (variability in intercepts across clinics)10.71.000
τ11 (variability in slopes across clinics)4.74.000
τ01 (covariance between intercept and slope)−7.10
σ2 (residual variance)1.18
HLM model 4: intercept as outcome model
Fixed effectsEstimate*SE t df Pr> t
γ10 (slope)2.340.2310.03497.000
γ01 (difference between urban and rural intercept)−3.260.51−6.363.000
γ00 (rural intercept)15.250.4236.673.000
τ00 (variability in clinic intercepts after adjusting for urban or rural location)0.55.000
σ2 (residual variance)1.28
HLM model 5: intercept and slope as outcomes model
Fixed effectsEstimate*SE t df Pr> t
γ11 (difference in slope between urban and rural areas)3.970.507.943.000
γ10 (average slope in rural areas)0.670.441.543.220
γ01 (difference in intercepts between urban and rural areas)−5.530.83−6.673.000
γ00 (average intercept in rural areas)16.150.6026.773.000
Random effects Estimate* Pr(H0: τ= 0)
τ00 (variability in intercepts after adjusting for urbanicity)1.51.000
τ11 (variability in slopes after adjusting for Urbanicity)0.28.092
τ01 (covariance between intercept and slope)−0.44
σ2 (residual variance)1.39
REG model 2: traditional regression model 2
Fixed effectsEstimate*SE t Pr> t
HLM = hierarchical linear model; H0 = null hypothesis; ANOVA = analysis of variance; REG = regression; Pr = probability.
* Estimated number of alcohol-free weeks during the past year.
† Residual variance = 2.0813.
γ11 (urban – rural)1.481.131.30.226
γ10 (rural)0.830.491.71.163
γ01 (urban – rural)−4.041.01−4.01.016
γ00 (rural)16.050.6723.94.000