Table 5.

Extent to Which GPs Agree That the Provision of Personal Continuity of Care to Their Patients Can Be Substituted for by Other Types of Continuity

StatementEngland & Wales Mean (SD)Netherlands Mean (SD)United States Mean (SD)PValue*
Score: 1 = strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree.
* Significance of differences between scores by country (1-way analysis of variance).
a, b: Scores on the same row that share the same subscript do not differ significantly. All other differences between scores on the same row are statistically significant at P <.001 according to the Tukey test comparison.
If recording and transfer of patient information is good, there is no need for most patients to consistently see the same physician2.79 (1.14)a2.93 (1.14)a1.77 (0.82)<.001
If different health professionals work together to provide coordinated and consistent care, there is no need for most patients to consistently see the same physician2.82 (1.10)a2.88 (1.08)a1.80 (0.82)<.001