Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics and Treatments of Dutch and US Nursing Home Residents Who Received Antibiotics for Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (Percentage Unless Otherwise Noted)

Characteristics and Treatments ReceivedUnited States (n = 806)Netherlands (n = 415) P*
* US-Dutch comparison, χ2 probability for discrete variables, t test probability for continuous variables.
† A score of 0 represents independence, 1, some to moderate dependence, and 2, complete dependence.
‡ Because of small numbers, these categories were combined for analysis of Dutch residents.
§ Four US residents received antibiotics, both intramuscularly and intravenously, making the sum of the percentages exceed 100%.
Resident characteristics
    Age, year, mean (SD)86.1 (7.1)84.5 (6.2)<.001
Complete dependence at the time of diagnosis
Illness signs and symptoms
    Decreased alertness27.642.0<.001
    New or increased confusion9.68.6.61
    Physical findings on lung examination compatible with pneumonia or other lower respiratory tract infection81.397.3<.001
    Pulse, beats per minute, mean (SD)87.6 (17.2)92.5 (16.9)<.001
    Purulent sputum25.632.7.012
    Respiratory difficulty23.455.9<.001
    Respiratory rate, breaths per minute, mean (SD)26.8 (7.0)26.7 (8.9).78
    Temperature, °C, mean (SD)37.6 (0.9)38.5 (0.9)<.001
Comorbidities and conditions
Congestive heart failure32.617.9<.001
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease20.215.7.057
Decubitus ulcers8.813.0.02
Dehydration present20.934.7<.001
Diabetes mellitus19.416.2.18
Parkinson disease9.97.5.16
Severe dementia25.251.1<.001
Beds in facility, N, mean (SD) 152.0 (115.2)219.1 (58.2)<.001
Treatments received
    Oral amoxicillin11.351.1
    Oral amoxicillin/clavulanate4.020.7
    Oral doxycycline, tetracycline, macrolide, or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole27.813.5
    Intramuscular ampicillin or amoxicillin, followed by oral amoxicillin0.011.1
    Fluoroquinolone, with or without another agent13.31.4
    First-generation or oral second-generation cephalosporin11.30.5
    Parenteral second-generation or third-generation cephalosporin18.21.2
    Other antibiotic regimens14.10.5
Route of antibiotic administration
    Oral only67.987.2<.001
Rehydration therapy34.53.0<.001