Table 3.

Characteristics of Women Completing the Full 5-Week Interview (n = 716)

VariablesValue Mean No. (SD)
Maternal age, y29.9 (5.30)
Annual household income, $71,741 (38,018)
Prenatal perceived control (1 = little control to 4 = complete control)3.04 (0.72)
Available social support (summary score 5 = none of the time to 25 = all of the time)20.7 (3.68)
Preconception health (1 = poor/fair to 4 = excellent)3.09 (0.79)
Health services used, $191 (1,119)
Days elapsed from childbirth until 5-wk interview, No.33.42 (6.32)
Prenatal time worked, h/wk38.1 (8.50)
Prenatal job stress (1= never to 8 = always)4.35 (1.73)
Prenatal supervisor support (1 = strongly disagree to 4 = strongly agree)0.89 (0.31)
No. (%)
White615 (86)
Married531 (74)
College educated331 (46)
Primiparous333 (47)
Smoking during pregnancy97 (14)
Experienced prenatal mood disturbances333 (47)
One or more labor and delivery complications103 (14)
One or more chronic health problems116 (16)
Cesarean delivery123 (17)
Infant girl350 (49)
Colicky baby109 (15)
Some breastfeeding at 5-wk postpartum480 (67)
Very or somewhat satisfied with prenatal job637 (89)
Occupational classification
    Service/blue collar103 (14)
    Clerical281 (39)
    Professional158 (47)
Employment status (back to work at 5-wk postpartum)51 (07)