Table 3.

Approach to Qualitative Analysis of Data

Data TypeAnalysis Activity Conducted ConcurrentlyProcess
Audiotaped individual and focus-group interviews
Step 1Reviewed transcripts and field notes independentlyEmergent factors highlighted
 Illustrative quotations recorded
Step 2Discussed factors and themes jointly 
 Identified data to confirm or refute interpretationsInterpretations agreed upon by consensus
 Themes categorized using iterative process
Step 1Reviewed videotapes independentlyNoted characteristic practice behaviors 
 Identified factors and themes
Step 2Reviewed representative videotaped visits jointlyShared independent interpretations 
 Interpretations agreed upon by consensus
Step 3Reviewed notes and transcripts of the post-videotape physician interviews and questionnairesShared independent interpretations 
 Interpretations agreed upon by consensus
Written notes from fieldwork and brief interviews
Step 1Reviewed all notes from observations and nontranscribed interviews independentlyEmergent factors highlighted
Step 2Reviewed notes jointlyInterpretations agreed upon by consensus 
 Themes categorized using iterative process
Thematic results
Step 1Results reviewed with medical anthropologist in serial meetings with researchersProbed layers of meaning about data obtained 
 Examined consensus decision-making about interpretations 
 Explored outlying interpretations
Summarized results
Step 1Study results reviewed by four key informantsCritiqued results in writing
Step 2Reviewed critiquesWritten comments reviewed 
 Results adapted accordingly