Table 2.

Unadjusted Weighted Percentages of Adults Without a Usual Source of Care: Comparisons Across Demographic Groups

Demographic CharacteristicAll Adults (n = 8,851)P Value*Adults With USC or Had No Preference (n = 8,333)P Value*Adults With or Preferred USC (n = 7,643)P Value*
Note: Unweighted number of observations; actual n varies slightly by category.
USC = usual source of care; NS = not significant.
* χ2 for overall differences between subcategories of each demographic characteristic.
Entire group20.015.26.6
Sex≥ .001≥ .001≥ .05
Age-group≥ .001≥ .001≥ .001
    18 – 29 y36.429.014.2
    30 – 39 y25.819.99.1
    40 – 49 y17.513.15.8
    50 – 59 y14.311.33.8
    ≥ 60 y8.05.82.5
Race/ethnicity≥ .001≥ .001≥ .001
    <High school21.515.78.0
    High school graduate19.215.25.5
    Some college20.415.96.4
    College graduate19.314.17.0
Annual incomeNSNS≥ .05
    $25,000 – $50,00019.415.55.5
Marital status≥ .001≥ .001≥ .001
    Never married33.627.511.4
Insurance≥ .001≥ .001≥ .001
Reported health status≥ .001≥ .001NS
    Very good21.616.67.1
Region of country≥ .001≥ .001≥ .001
Urban/rural location≥ .01≥ .05≥ .05